# Changelog for GrandBack.org ![GRANDBACK](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1541383322949091328/gZjBEodP_200x200.jpg)[](http://grandback.org) <$>[note] <^>All notable changes<^> to the [`Grand Back`](http://grandback.org) project will be hosted in this file. The format is based on *Keep a Changelog*, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning. <$> > This is a blockquote with two paragraphs. ~~Lorem ipsum dolor~~ sit amet, > consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam hendrerit mi posuere lectus. > Vestibulum enim wisi, viverra nec, fringilla in, laoreet vitae, risus. ![YouTube Channel Subscribers](https://img.shields.io/youtube/channel/subscribers/UC91hk0s56b7AzbIpgtMrv8A?color=%23cfbc23&label=youtube&logo=youtube&logoColor=%23cfbc23&style=flat-square) ![YouTube Channel Views](https://img.shields.io/youtube/channel/views/UC91hk0s56b7AzbIpgtMrv8A?color=%23cfbc23&logo=youtube&logoColor=%23cfbc23&style=flat-square) ![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/restorethegrand?color=cfbc23&logo=twitter&logoColor=%23cfbc23&style=flat-square) ![Subreddit subscribers](https://img.shields.io/reddit/subreddit-subscribers/uncannd?color=%23cfbc23&logo=reddit&logoColor=%23cfbc23&style=flat-square) ![Website](https://img.shields.io/website?down_color=lightgrey&down_message=offline&label=GRANDBACK&logoColor=%23cfbc23&style=flat-square&up_color=%23cfbc23&up_message=online&url=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.shields.io%2Fwebsite%2Fhttp%3A%2F%2Fgrandback.org%2Fimages%2Fbrandback-logo.png) ![Keybase BTC](https://img.shields.io/keybase/btc/grandback?color=%23cfbc23&logoColor=%23ebd206&style=flat-square) ![W3C Validation](https://img.shields.io/w3c-validation/xml?color=%23cfbc23&label=w3c%20Podcast&logoColor=%23cfbc23&style=flat-square&targetUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fgrandback.org%2Frss%2Fpodcast-feed.rss) ![W3C Validation](https://img.shields.io/w3c-validation/xml?color=%23cfbc23&label=w3c%20Journal&logoColor=%23cfbc23&style=flat-square&targetUrl=http%3A%2F%2Ffeeds.feedburner.com%2Fgrandback) ![W3C Validation](https://img.shields.io/w3c-validation/xml?color=%23cfbc23&style=flat-square&label=w3c%20Gallery&logoColor=%23cfbc23&targetUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fgrandback.org%2Fgallery%2Findex.php%3Frss%3Dgallery%26lang%3Den) #### Types of changes * Added, for new features. * Changed, for changes in existing functionality. * Deprecated, for soon-to-be removed features. * Removed, for now removed features. * Fixed, for any bug fixes. * Security (bug fixes), in case of vulnerabilities. **[`Unreleased`](http://grandback.org)** --- # Project File Organization | FILES | .TXT | SITEMAP | URL | | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | | **README** | [/README.txt](http://grandback.org/README.txt) | **Homepage** | [`/index`](https://grandback.org) | | **CHANGELOG** | [/README.txt](http://grandback.org/CHANGELOG.txt) | **The Dream** | [`/the-dream`](http://grandback.org/the-dream) | | **Robots** | [/README.txt](http://grandback.org/robots.txt) | **Land Acknowledgemnts** | [`/land-acknowledgments`](http://grandback.org/land-acknowledgments) | | **Humans** | [/humans.txt](http://grandback.org/humans.txt) | **Legal Posterity** | [`/legal-posterity`](http://grandback.org/legal-posterity) | | **Hackers** | [/hackers.txt](http://grandback.org/hackers.txt) | **Gallery** | [`/gallery`](http://grandback.org/gallery) | | **Security** | /.well-known/security.txt | **Journal** | [`/journal`](http://grandback.org/journal) | | **Links** | [/links.txt](http://grandback.org/links.txt) | **Podcast** | [`/podcast`](http://grandback.org/podcast) | | **Jobs** | [/jobs.txt](http://grandback.org/jobs.txt) | **Contact** | [`/contact`](http://grandback.org/contact) | ## [0.0.8] - 2022-06-25 ### Added - update zenphoto gallery theme for photo essays. - manual rss feed for potential podcast as category in CuteNews [RSS](http://grandback.org/rss/podcast-feed.xml "Podcast Feed"). - rss and xml file, `/rss/podcastfeed.rss` is plain text. - feed `/rss/podcastfeed.xml` for podcast themed by .xsl both optimized for itunes, and validated. - created `jounral.php` for the CuteNews system, [Journal](http://grandback.org/journal/ "Journal"). - newsletter form added to `journal.php` and `contact.php` [Raw Newsletter](http://grandback.org/newsletter.php "Newsletter"). - newsletter is powered by tinyletter [Link](http://tinyletter.com/grandback "Tiny Newsletter"). - welcome script added to `contact.php` changes intro of first sentence ased on time of day. ## [0.0.7] - 2022-06-10 ### Changed - converted all .html pages to .php to help streamline updating, `header.php` now controls header sitewide. ## [0.0.6] - 2022-06-07 ### Fixed - Cutenews fatel error on intergrated pages, the category tag `{category}`, `{category-img}` results in fatel error. Took a few days to correct. No current community supporting CuteNews. ## [0.0.5] - 2022-06-01 ### Changed - upgrade from php5.3 to 7.4 for cpanel. - admin theme for CuteNews styled. - installed ZenPhoto for photo and media gallery, uses mysql. - folder system can be stored on thumbdrive with sitemap for offline capabilities. - photostream of all gallery items. - updated the gallery archive page. ### Functional - albums can hold photos, audio, txt, html, pdf and a few other formats. all files embed including txt files, they read like reguglar text, but markup must be used to take advantage of styling. - main albums are general, photos, audio, video, documents and unpublished for admin use. ## [0.0.4] - 2022-05-21 ### Added - published two essays, Land Acknowledgments and Legal Posterity. - added `humans.txt`, `links.txt`, `urllist.txt`, `sitemape.xml`, `hackers.txt`, `jobs.txt`, `robots.txt` and `security.txt` - styling `/css/style.css` redesigned to display essays pages. - CuteNews CMS added, self contained file system that does not require a database. - CN chosen for offline capabilities, or to be saved entirly on thumbdrive. ## [0.0.3] - 2022-05-21 ### Changed - `index.html`, historical overview and summary of the *Haldimand Tract, the Mohawk Nation and Such Others of the Five Nations Indians*. ## [0.0.2] - 2021-07-04 ### Changed - logo was updated to the yellow `(#cfbc23)`, burgandy `(#58484f)` and light gray `(#dedede)` round emblem with a bust of a mohawk man, and the words **"GRAND BACK, RESTORE THE HALDIMAND TRACT!"** ## [0.0.1] - 2021-05-08 ### Added - **Website launched.** - submitted the site for snapshot on waybackmachine, index and pages: (`legal.php`, `terms of use.php`, `cookies.php`, and `privacy.php`). - caravan to build awarness of encroachment of the Grand River. #### TODO ``` - make CuteNews and ZenPhoto list of snippets and hacks. - adapt a new README.txt to reflect the project details, incourage others of the use of these files to pepper the internet with "native views" and mohawk modus operendi. ``` ### Markup Resources - https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#link --- ###### © 2022 GRANDBACK